Brian Ahier

Lead Health IT Engineer at MITRE
With an emphasis on health data interchange, utilization, and analytics in support of health system reform, Brian is a well-known thought leader in digital health who works for the MITRE Corporation.
Specialties: Population health management, electronic health records, health information exchange, and IT infrastructure to enable innovative payment and service delivery models.
He was a member of the Consumer Technology Task Force, a Joint Collaboration of the Health IT Policy and Standards Committees, which offers advice and insight on ONC/HHS projects and initiatives with a consumer focus to ensure the person is kept at the center, incorporating the experience and feedback of both patients and providers.
He was a founder member of the DirectTrust Board and currently sits on the board of the Sequoia Project, a non-profit organization working for the common good. From the Direct Project's start, he has contributed significantly by participating in several workgroups and teams. He assisted many HIE grantees in executing the Direct Project in designing their strategies, creating vendor criteria, and outlining a plan for statewide implementation as part of a previous contract with ONC. He collaborated with employees from ONC and Deloitte to organize and carry out a highly effective Direct Project boot camp.
He held a position at Mid-Columbia Medical Center as an Evangelist for Health IT. In the Columbia Gorge, where we launched one of the first Direct Project pilots, he also served as president of Gorge Health Connect, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to health information exchange.
He participated in the development of the HIE plans for Oregon, served on the HIO Executive Panel, and presided over the Technology Workgroup for the Oregon Health Information Technology Oversight Council.
He held the position of City Councilor for four years. He also held positions on the Mid-Columbia Council of Government Board and Q-Life, an intergovernmental organization that provides broadband service to northern Oregon.