Prompts To Write A Perfect Meeting Summary

Use these prompts and let ChatGPT do the perfect meeting summary for you
Published: 2023-05-03
Knowing how to write an effective meeting summary is crucial when we attend meetings, especially if we are in charge of gathering the data to subsequently share with our coworkers.The saying of Miguel de Unamuno that "a small pencil is better than a big memory" is absolutely accurate.
There are several methods for gathering data that are efficient, well-organized, and focused on a certain goal. However, instead of researching some of them just use these prompts and let ChatGPT do it for you!
- Summarize the 5 main takeaways from these meeting notes: [copy and paste notes].
- Summarize the decisions made and the next steps outlined in these meeting notes: [copy and paste notes].
- Summarize the key points raised, the solutions proposed and the responsible departments in these meeting notes: [copy and paste notes].
- “Can you please summarize the main points discussed in this meeting today? [[copy and paste transcript of the meeting].”
- “I would appreciate it if you could provide a brief summary of this meeting we just had. [copy and paste transcript of the meeting].”
- “Could you write up a summary of this meeting we had earlier? I want to make sure I didn't miss anything important: [copy and paste transcript of the meeting].”
- “Please summarize the key takeaways from this meeting: [copy and paste transcript of the meeting].”
- “Could you put together a meeting summary that I can share with other stakeholders? Here is the transcript of the recordings: [copy and paste transcript of the meeting].”
- “I need to send a follow-up email to everyone who attended this meeting [copy and paste the transcript of the recordings]. Can you write a summary that I can include in the email?”